MEM is provided free of charge to academic and not-for-profit institutions via our academic online licensing process for non-commercial research purposes.
- After you decide to license and agree to the terms below, you will be asked to provide contact information through the checkout system. No payment will be required. During checkout, please provide your institutional address in the “Billing Information” and check the box “My delivery information is the same as my billing information” in the “Delivery Information” section.
- Upon successful completion of this process, including necessary review and approval of your academic license application, you will receive an instructional email containing the remaining steps. Application approval may take 3-5 business days. APPROVAL OF YOUR ORDER CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED UNLESS YOU HAVE PROVIDED AN EMAIL ADDRESS ASSOCIATED WITH A VALID, ACTIVE ACCOUNT WITH AN ACADEMIC OR OTHER RESEARCH INSTITUTION, e.g. [user@institution.edu].
- Once approved, you will be notified that you may download the software by finding the "MEM" section of “My premium content” section (always accessible from the left-hand navigation menu) of VU e-Innovations.